Jul 28, 2015
CT man hikes Appalachian Trail to raise awareness
Here is Phils interview with WFSB!
Jul 28, 2015
Big steps on the Appalachian Trail for a Hartford executive...
Here's the news segment from Phils interview on Fox!

Jul 27, 2015
Phil with Jimmy Altman from Fox!
Tune in for the interview at 4p.m. tonight!

Jul 27, 2015
Phil in CT, interview with WFSB.
Don't miss Phil's interview tonight on WFSBnews at 5:30 with Mark Zinni!
Jul 27, 2015
Phil in CT
Day 130, July 27 Life at Home It's been a great weekend. Saturday at 7 a.m. the kids and I drove out to Kent to a roadside where the AT...
Jul 23, 2015
Day 126, July 23
Day 126, July 23 Life on the Trail I think Phil spent the night at the RPH Shelter at Mile 1428.8 on the Shenandoah Mountain NY. Less...
Jul 21, 2015
Day 124, July 21, Mile 1394.7
Life on the Trail Phil camped on Black Mountain last night. Woke up in the middle of the night with tummy trouble. Had no clean water,...
Jul 19, 2015
New York, New York!
A quick update tonight, Phil Valentine is at the Wildcat Shelter at mile 1370 tonight. Tough day climbing rocks. It looks like he will...

Jul 14, 2015
New Jersey!
Phil has reached New Jersey! CCAR is making plans to meet up with Phil once he reaches CT. If you are interested in joining us please...
Jul 12, 2015
Day 115
Life on the Trail Phil spend the evening at the Kirkridge Shelter near Fox Gap, PA last night, after a day of multiple bear sightings and...