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Phil in CT

Day 130, July 27 Life at Home It's been a great weekend. Saturday at 7 a.m. the kids and I drove out to Kent to a roadside where the AT crosses Rt. 341. Josh, Sami and Matt hiked out to meet Phil and his fellow hikers. They had camped 3.2 miles south from where we parked. Mary and I set up chairs and the griddle and prepared to make egg sandwiches for any thru hikers. It was only a minute before the first came through. All in all, about 25 including Phil's group. It was great to have them sit and hang out to share their stories and their trail names with us. I am grateful to friends who drove out to give me a hand and brought oj's for the hikers. Kids hiked about 1.5 miles before meeting up with Phil and they all came back together. We knew Phil was approaching when we heard the familiar barking. After fueling them up, we hit the road for a long trip back to the house.

An afternoon and evening of great trail stories from Right Click, Paradox, Rock Steady, Just Doug, Dr. Pickles and Mockingbird. Lots of food as we tried to build them up for the next 722 miles ahead. Thank you to our friends for the desserts! It was great to see my table for 6 stretch to have 14 around it.

Sunday, we all went to church and Phil had a chance to share a bit, including his appreciation for all the prayers and encouragement from our church family - I agree!! Then brunch a la Right Click and Dr. Pickles, with the famous baked french toast delivered by friends. Then Phil took the hikers off to hiker places - Walmart, REI and EMS, while I napped. wink emoticon

This morning, we said goodbye to Rock Steady and Paradox. I love these ladies! Please join me in praying that their bodies stay strong, their spirits stay positive, and the trail miles disappear as effortlessly as possible. They both want to get back to their husbands as quickly as possible.

Phil is headed to do press at CCAR for noon, with his sidekick Mary, and we still have 3 hikers to love on til they all head back to the trail Tuesday morning.

Have a great day!

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